2021年计量经济学国际研讨会(ISE 2021)将于2021年3月26-28日在厦门举行。本次会议旨在为业内专家学者分享技术进步和业务经验,聚焦计量经济学,统计学,金融工程,运筹学等领域的前沿研究,提供一个交流的平台。会议将集聚来自世界各地的科研人员、工程师、学者及业界专家,展示他们的最新研究成果及应用。我们谨代表组委会诚邀您同聚厦门,共襄盛会。
Econometrics: methods and applications
Econometrics, operations research and statistics
Econometrics and statistics
Multidimensional data analysis
Financial engineering
Operational research
Financial mathematics and insurance
Business informatics
Finance: financial crises, risk management, financial markets
Applied mathematics in economy, management, logistics
The classical multiple linear regression model
Least squares
Finite-sample properties of the least squares estimator
Large-sample properties of the least squares and instrumental
Variables estimators
Inference and prediction
Functional form and structural change
Specification analysis and model selection
Nonlinear regression models
Nonspherical disturbances
Serial correlation
Models for panel data
Systems of regression equations
Simultaneous-equations models
Estimation frameworks in econometrics
Maximum likelihood estimation
The generalized method of moments
Models with lagged variables
Time-series models
Models for discrete choice
Limited dependent variable and duration models
Probability and distribution theory
Large sample distribution theory
Computation and optimization
Data sets used in applications