Peter Cook,Director of Technical Programs at Bluetooth SIG. He is responsible for leading the development of transparent, optimal systems and processes, to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Bluetooth SIG Specification Development Program. Cook joined the SIG in 2003 and was formerly responsible for overseeing and facilitating new development and enhancements to Bluetooth wireless technology for the past 11 years. Cook began his career working under the consulting operations of a former “Big 5” accounting firm on manufacturing and distribution enterprise resource planning software solutions. He was selected as part of a global core team to develop and launch best practice implementation guidelines covering multiple business areas to accelerate and ensure consistency in worldwide client engagements. This experience led to Cook working in the CTO’s office of a national health insurance provider focused on the development and management of the business processes, technology requirements, compliance matters, and commitments. Cook holds a Masters of Business Administration from University of Missouri and a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering from Kansas State University.
Peter Cook简历_Bluetooth SIGDirector of Technical ProgramsPeter Cook受邀参会演讲_活动家