I worked as a marketer/innovator within global Food & Drink companies (Mars, Coca-Cola, Unilever, Kraft/Mondelez) for 20+ years in both existing and new categories. About 15 years ago, I began to notice a fundamental shift in consumer attitudes & behavior towards food & drink. I tried to change things "from the inside" but the status quo was not quite ready for disruption. So I left the industry in 2007. I spent time qualifying as a lawyer (probably not the usual thing to do during a "mid life" crisis) until I could see clearly the next step i.e. switch to working as an "extrapreneur" with folks who want to put healthier food & drink into the hands of consumers in both developed & emerging markets. Today, I work with businesses & individuals across the UK, Europe, China, the Caribbean etc.
Sophia Nadur 简历_Ideas 2 Launch Limited创始人Sophia Nadur 受邀参会演讲_活动家