Dr. J. Edson Pontes, Vice President of International Medicine at Detroit Medical Center; Professor of Wayne State University, USA. J. Edson Pontes, MD, has been appointed assistant dean for international affairs at the Wayne State University School of Medicine. This new position has been established to reflect the medical school's involvement in the global marketplace and to formalize many of the international programs and relationships that have been in place for many decades. Dr. Pontes will coordinate international efforts related to: telemedicine, academic meetings, student exchange programs, university partnerships, scientific projects, medical education, and patient care.As vice president for international medicine at the Detroit Medical Center, Dr. Pontes has been hosting guests, training health care professionals and treating patients from around the globe for many years. He has also been instrumental in Wayne State University President Irvin Reid's global initiative to expand the university's presence throughout the world.
J. Edson Pontes简历_Detroit Medical CenterVice PresidentJ. Edson Pontes受邀参会演讲_活动家